Friday, January 30, 2009

Catching Up

Today in class I did a lot of the work, I was behind on some of the assignments and took the whole class hour to finish them. My teen drug collage turned out to be okay even though it was something I put together very quick. I started to complete my "Did You Know?" which needs more work. On Tuesday I plan on hopefully starting my Webliography.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Essential ?- What is the best method of recovering from drug usage?

Foundation Question
1. What is the most used drug by teens then and today?
2. How is a drug problem diagnosed?
3. What in marijuana makes it so addictive?
4. What age does most teens start smoking?
5. Can mental illness become enhanced by inappropriate drug use?
6. How many ways are there to recovering from a drug problem?
7. What are the influences that move teenagers to use illegal substances?
8. How can parents get involved in helping their children?
9. What are "hard" and "soft" drugs?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Going Deep

Today in class I decided to look further into the websites of my topic. So far I began picking out the key terms that are most related to teen drug use. The question I looked more into was the diagnosing treatments for an addiction.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today in class I researched web sites on facts of teen drug use and the effects. During my researching I came over the fact that the percentage between white kids where higher than blacks which somewhat shocked me.